What you need to know, in brief.
- Details of your criminal record will either be recorded on the Police National Computer (PNC) or the Police National Database (PND). You can apply for a copy of your police record by applying to ACRO for a Subject Access Request (SAR).
- If you have been arrested and are going to be interviewed by the police under caution, you are entitled to free legal advice and representation. If you case goes to court, you may qualify for legal aid representation.
- The Crown Court keeps records of court proceedings for 5 years. If you think you may need an official record of what happened in court, it’s worth applying for a copy of the court transcript before they are destroyed.
- If you receive a prison sentence of more than 12 months but less than 4 years, you will be automatically released half way through your sentence. You will serve the remainder on licence, in the community, supervised by a probation officer.
Information & Advice Articles
Where do the police record details of my cautions, convictions and other relevant information? Can I get a copy of this?
The police will either record information on the Police National Computer (PNC) or the Police National Database (PND). You can find out what is held on the PNC by applying for a Subject Access Request.
How can I get my property back from the police?
The policy of returning property can vary depending on the police force concerned. Usually the police will write to you once the officer in charge of your case authorises the release of your property.
What criminal record checks do the police do?
The police do not do employment disclosures – they make the information available to the Disclosure and Barring Service or Disclosure Scotland. They can however do other types of ‘disclosure’.
I'm due to go to court, how should I prepare?
Can I serve on a jury with a criminal record?
If you have a criminal record it may mean that you’re not allowed to serve on a jury.
I'm on probation, what do I need to know?
Being supervised by probation can be difficult. If possible, try to build a positive relationship with your probation officer. If they feel you are being open and honest with them, they may be more prepared to see you less often and be less restrictive.
Can I change probation officer/area?
There is no standard policy governing changing probation officer so ask to see the protocol in your area. Any requests to change probation area will need to be put in writing.
I'm looking for some information specifically about prison issues.
Our work as a charity is generally focused on the issues that people face after release from prison. We do however, have some general information.
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