Probation records (often referred to a “Probation Subject Access Request”)
Issued by
Local Probation Trust
To see what information the Probation Trust hold on their records about you
What it contains
Any information or records which the Probation hold on their system about you. This may relate to pre-sentence reports, OASys assessments, parole dossier information and hostel reports
How to apply
Local Probation Trust
Who can apply for it
Only the person whom the information is relevant to can apply
Contact details
You can find a list of all the Probation Trusts here
How long it takes
Can take up to 40 working days
Where it is sent
To you only
Link to anonymous example
How to correct inaccurate information
You would need to write directly to the local Probation Trust outlining the areas which you take issue with. They would then assess this inaccuracy against any information you have provided them with and return their findings to you via letter.
My boyfriend has convictions and I was told that while he was staying with me recently he was meant to contact the police but im not sure what for as he hasn’t discussed either with me,can I find out ?