I felt it was now a good time to share my personal experience in the hope of providing others with confidence to move on positively with their lives after receiving a criminal conviction.
Between 2013 and 2014 my life was chaotic. I was heavily in debt, drinking a lot, ended up being banned from driving and convicted of theft. I lost my job which was a well-paid role in financial services. My life was turned upside down.
After cleaning up my life with the help of friends and family, in 2020 I decided to embark on a new career and a clean slate. I got my HGV license and I have never looked back.
The role initially required me to undergo a basic CRB check. By this time, the convictions had been spent as I had been doing various office or warehouse jobs in the interim period.
A year later, as my role then involved working on government sites, I was required to undergo a basic security clearance (BPSS) assessment, which I passed.
Another year on, I was required to undergo higher security clearance (SC). This requires you do disclose ANY convictions, spent or not. I was initially nervous about doing so.
I was entirely honest, and this proved to be advantageous. My clearance was approved. During the process, I was assured that honesty was the best policy, as they would do a thorough check either way.
Now it is 10 years since I sorted out my life. I love my job and I have started a family. I will never look back.
I hope my story will reassure and inspire others that a positive future is achievable after hard times.