Your support makes a difference
Your donation could mean a caller gets information that allows them to move on positively with their life.
It could allow someone worrying about their future to access our expert online advice 24/7.
Support from you could help give a person with a criminal record a fair chance at getting a job.
If you’ve benefited from Unlock’s support, could you help other people facing the same barriers?
A donation today
On average over 800 calls and messages are answered by our helpline team each month.
£8.84 is enough to answer one call
£26.52 could help support three people to change their lives.
£50 could make the difference for five or six callers dealing with stigma and disadvantage because of their criminal record.
Donate nowA regular donation
Regular donations allow us to plan ahead and allocate support for people facing complex problems.
£131 could help fund a case worker’s time supporting an appeal to the DBS, or questioning an employer’s use of checks.
That’s a donation of just under £11 a month to fight unfair practices that limit people’s lives.
You can change or cancel your regular donation at any time, for any reason – just let us know.
Donate monthlyMake your donation go further with Gift Aid!
If you’re a UK tax payer the government will give Unlock 25p for every £1 you donate – at no extra cost to you.
Just select the Gift Aid tick box on the donation form, if you can.
More about Gift Aid
Worried about donating online?
We use secure processes, but understand if you aren’t comfortable donating online.
If you want to set up a regular donation through a standing order contact
For single donations you can send a cheque, payable to ‘Unlock’, to Unlock, MCSC, 39-48 Marsham Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1HH.
Give as you live
A free and easy way to raise funds for Unlock, simply by shopping online.
Join Give as you Live for free today and start raising money when you shop at over 6,000 stores, including supermarkets, travel sites, clothes shops and more.
Sign up through the quick and easy form. You’ll be asked to choose a charity. Search for Unlock – for people with criminal records.
Once you’re all signed up, it’s simple to start collecting as you shop:
- Start your online shopping by visiting the Give as you Live website.
- Click on the store you want and you’ll be directed to their website.
- Continue to shop as normal.
- Your purchase will automatically generate free funds for Unlock!