We are delighted to publish the Unlock Annual Report 2017/2018.
We have achieved outstanding success at both service delivery and policy levels, reflecting the hard work and dedication of the Unlock team.
The report reflects how we have helped people with convictions by:
- Providing direct support to individuals through our helpline and case work
- Providing online support through our information hub, disclosure calculator tool, magazine, forum, and news/ update subscriber service
- Operating a volunteering scheme to train people with convictions as helpline peer-advisors
- Running training courses on criminal record disclosure for statutory, contracted, and voluntary service providers and practitioners who themselves support people with convictions.
We also report on the work we have undertaken to:
- Challenge employment discrimination by working with employers to improve their policies and practices, and working with government departments and agencies to challenge the way they operate
- Influence government, employers and others through evidenced research, consultations, strategic litigation, media work and campaigns.
None of this would be possible without the support, faith and generosity of our funders, donors and volunteers, to whom we extend our sincere gratitude.
You can download the Unlock Annual Report for the year ended 31st March 2018 here
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