Here’s a summary of some of the updates that we’ve made recently to our Information Hub – self help information for people with convictions.
Criminal record checks
- There’s some added information on getting a copy of your police records about enforced subject access. This will become a criminal offence in December 2014, and we put together a news update explaining more about this.
- We’ve written a news update about challenging ineligible DBS checks. We’ve seen some interesting results so far, showing that individuals are successfully challenging employers who are doing the wrong level of check.
- We’ve put out a call for examples of where filtering doesn’t go far enough after the Supreme Court ruling. We’ve had an overwhelming response to this (thank you to everybody that has been in touch!), but we’re still looking for more examples. This will help us in our work to try and challenge the current system.
- We’ve made a number of Freedom of Information requests to get information about how many criminal record checks were carried out in 2013/14, and the numbers that disclosed criminal record information. We’ve included this information in our section on types of criminal record checks.
- We’ve got some data from the DBS which shows how often ‘police intelligence’ gets disclosed on enhanced checks, and we’ve included this in our information on police intelligence.
- We’ve published some information about working for or with Government, and the different levels of security vetting / security clearance that exist.
- We’ve updated our list of insurance brokers. There were a few changes to contact details, and there’s a further company that’s been added.
- We’ve updated our detailed guide on insurance to feature some details about the MyLicence system being used for driving convictions and motor insurance.
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