Here’s a summary of the updates that we’ve made recently to our Information Hub.
There are links within each update to where you can find more information about the update on our Hub. There are also links next to many of the updates, which link to threads on our online forum where you can discuss these with other members of the forum.
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
- ‘Is it spent yet’ poster and ROA detailed guide – It’s been almost a year since changes were made to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act and we have made some minor changes to improve our ‘Is it spent?’ poster which sets out details of the rehabilitation periods since the law was changed in March 2014. We’ve also integrated these tables into our ROA detailed guide.
- Long list of sentences and when they become spent– We have produced a list of current sentences and disposals, which sets out the length of time they take to become spent. This list builds on the poster and the detailed guide (details of which are set out above). If you think there are any missing on this list, please let us know.
Specific occupations and professions
- Local councillor – We’ve produced some information setting out the criteria for becoming a Local Councillor if you have a criminal record. More information can be found here.
- Member of Parliament – As the General Election gets closer, we though it would be useful to explain how the rules about becoming an MP in terms of criminal records are less limiting to those that apply to standing for election as a local councillor. Look here for more information.
Financial issues
- How do criminal records affect your credit rating – This new information looks at how to obtain a copy of your credit report and if/how a criminal record, particularly time in prison, could indirectly affect your credit score. Do you have any personal experiences of this? Let us know by sharing them on the Forum.
Courts and sentencing
- Capital Contribution Orders (CCO) – Following posts on our Forum from individuals who have been contacted out of the blue by ‘bailiffs’ chasing monies outstanding under a Capital Contribution Order, we have set out details of the different types of order and provided links to further information. Post your views about this on the Forum.
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