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Our mission is to support & advocate for people with criminal records to be able to move on positively in their lives. Find out more

New vacancy: Community Network Coordinator

Help us make sure our services reach everyone who needs us

At Unlock we want to ensure that people with criminal records have access to the best quality support possible.

We have our website which receives over 1.5 million visits, and our helpline with nearly 10,000 contacts every year; now we want to take this support out into communities to make sure our expertise gets to everyone who needs it. With over 12.5 million people affected by a criminal record and with this number growing, we know our service is even more important than ever.

We want to build a network of community organisations that are connected to Unlock and have access to specialist training in supporting people with criminal records. This new role is pivotal to achieving the vision of Better Advice for All.

If you’d like to be part of this vision and the role fits with your skills and experience, we look forward to your application.

About this role

Job title:                            Community Network Coordinator

Responsible to:               Head of Advice

Salary:                                £15,000 per year

Contract:                           Part time with potential to increase to full-time

Duration of project:     Three years

Working hours:              18 hours 45 minutes per week with potential to increase

Location:                           London and the South-East – remote working regular attendance at the   Maidstone office

Probation period:         6 months

Please note this role isn’t suitable for job-share.

Find out more and apply


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Photo of Head of Advice, Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
Head of Advice

Do you need help & support with an issue you’re facing?

We provide support and advice for people in England and Wales who need guidance with either their own, or someone else’s, criminal record.

Please use the search box to start typing your issue. If you cannot find an answer to your problem then you’ll be given options to contact us directly.

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12.5 million people have criminal records in the UK. We need your help to help them.

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