Welcome to our monthly summary for October 2020.
This provides a summary of:
- the latest updates to our self-help information site for people with convictions
- recent posts to our online magazine, theRecord
- discussions on our online forum
- other news and developments that might be of interest to people with a criminal record.
Have you stumbled across this? You can receive updates to your inbox every month for free by signing up to our mailing list (make sure you choose to receive ‘news for people with convictions’).
Updates to our information site
Here’s a summary of the updates that we’ve made to the information hub. There are links within each update to where you can find more information.
Coming to (and staying) in the UK
- Settled status: What you need to know if you are an EU citizen and have a criminal record – We’ve published new information about the EU Settlement Scheme for applicants with a criminal record which includes details of organisations that can provide specialist advice.
Travelling abroad
- Travelling to the EU after 1 January 2021 – We’ve published an advice post in response to an announcement made by the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, that “EU criminals could be barred from entering the UK under tighter border rules.”
Work and volunteering
- Becoming a police officer – We’ve updated this page to include links to, and information from, the 2017 Police Vetting Code of Practice which has replaced the 2012 policy.
theRecord posts
theRecord posts
Below are links to recent posts to our online magazine, theRecord. These are often linked to the practical information that we have, to help give some personal experiences.
Success – How can one question determine your career opportunities – “The two words all prisoners hear, and most fear. These two words happen at the same time every day/week during their stay behind the walls. It is the time when they are left alone with their thoughts and realise that life goes on without them. It is then, and only then, that they can commit to taking action upon release …..”
Struggles and stigma – Organisations can’t be diverse or inclusive until HR professionals recognise the value of people with convictions – “I’ve been a nurse for over 11 years and have worked in the same hospital department for the last 10 years. One of the great things about working as a nurse and, in particular, being part of the NHS was the fact that there was always the opportunity for career progression …..”
Discussions on our online forum
Discussions on our online forum
Below are links to recent posts on our online forum. If you’d like to join the discussion but are not currently a forum member, find out how you can join here.
Royal ‘pardon’ for outstanding bravery – This month it was announced that following his act of outstanding bravery, Stephen Gallant would be referred to the parole board 10 months earlier than he would otherwise have been. Our forum members are of the opinion that this is the right call. Let us have your thoughts.
Sentencing – Are they too harsh/lenient? – Simmo asks the question “How do you feel about sentencing as a whole? Are sentences always fair and just?” Tell us about your experience of the criminal justice system.
Other news and developments
Other news and developments
Below are links to other news and developments that might be of interest to people with a criminal record. For more news, check out the news and media section of our main website.
Our autumn newsletter – What we’ve been up to
We’ve published our autumn 2020 newsletter which provides an update of the news at Unlock in the last 3 months.
Criminal records webinar – Wednesday 2 December
Our criminal records webinars are useful for anybody helping people with convictions who are applying for work or those working in recruitment/HR responsible for making recruitment decisions. Find further details here.
Learn more about this topic
Most popular articles from Unlock
- New data reveals disproportionate impact of criminal records on women
- Moving on: Criminal record checks for employment
- Pardons for historic gay convictions: a call for evidence
- Google settles out of court with individual who has spent conviction, in the UK’s first ‘right to be forgotten’ case involving criminal records
- Blog – Government publishes summary of responses to call for evidence on the employment of people with convictions
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