Welcome to our monthly summary for October 2016.
This provides a summary of:
- the latest updates to our self-help information site for people with convictions
- recent posts to our online magazine, theRecord
- other news and developments that might be of interest to people with a criminal record
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Updates to our information site
Updates to our information site
Here’s a summary of the updates that we’ve made recently to the theInformationHub. There are links within each update to where you can find more information about the update. There are also links next to many of the updates, which link to threads on our online forum where you can discuss these with other people with convictions.
Work and volunteering
- Spent and unspent convictions and employment law – We’ve updated our information on spent and unspent convictions and employment law which aims to set out the legal actions open to you if you come across any type of discrimination when applying for work.
Information on the internet, online and through search engines like Google
- Are you affected by the online publication of your spent convictions? Possible legal remedies – We’re currently working with a law firm specialising in media law, Carter-Ruck, who are willing to advise people affected by having their spent convictions published online on a ‘no win no fee’ basis. Find out further information here.
Specific types of offences
- Is there anything stopping you applying to come off the Sex Offenders Register if you’ve got an indefinite registration requirement – As a result of a Freedom of Information request carried out by BBC News, we’ve used this to produce some information highlighting the number of applications received for removal from the Sex Offenders Register which have been approved across a range of police forces in the UK.
- Travelling to Australia – Following information received from the Migration Institute of Australia, we’ve updated our information on travelling to Australia.
theRecord posts
theRecord posts
Below are links to recent posts to our online magazine, theRecord. These are often linked to from the practical information that we have, to help give some personal experiences.
Success – Harnessing my anger to help myself and others – Becoming a teacher with a criminal record – ‘Having grown up with an alcoholic and abusive father, I struggled to behave like a normal teenager. On reflection, I now appreciate how angry I was that nobody was trying to help me out of the dreadful situation I was in and my unwillingness to be ‘normal’ was undoubtedly my way of rebelling …..’
Struggles and stigma – Food for thought at the food bank – An old sexual offence getting in the way of collecting food– ‘I’ve just been released from prison having completed two years of a four year sentence. The offence I was convicted of happened when I was 14 years old. I’m now 31. During the past 17 years I’ve never been in trouble with the police. I’m married to a wonderful lady, we have a son and I’ve worked hard to provide for both of them. However, due to my conviction being for a sexual offence, I’m on the sex offenders register for life and can’t apply to come off it for 15 years …..’
News – A big thank you to Maureen – The power of peer support – ‘It was the anniversary of my release from prison yesterday and these words came to mind “It’s time to build a bridge and walk over it”. This was my first introduction to solution focused thinking …..’
Other news and developments
Other news and developments
Below are links to other news and developments that might be of interest to people with a criminal record. For more news, check out the news and media section of our main website.
New dates announced for our popular Advising with Conviction workshops
We’ve just released some dates for our Advising with Conviction workshops taking place in 2017. These one day workshops are endorsed by the Probation Institute and The Institute of Employability Professionals.
Some examples of people we’ve helped
We’ve written up some examples of how people with convictions are able to overcome some of the barriers they have faced as a result of their criminal records. Read Evan, Jeremy and Kevin’s stories here.
Autumn 2016 Activities Newsletter
Our Autumn 2016 Activities Newsletter provides a update of what’s been happening at Unlock over the past three months. Visit here to download the newsletter.
Trial for November – the helpline will open until 7pm each Wednesday.
We’ll be running a trial throughout November, extending our helpline opening hours until 7pm. More information about the trial can be found here.
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