Welcome to our monthly summary for November 2017.
This provides a summary of:
- the latest updates to our self-help information site for people with convictions
- recent posts to our online magazine, theRecord
- discussions on our online forum
- other news and developments that might be of interest to people with a criminal record
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Updates to our information site
Updates to our information site
Here’s a summary of the updates that we’ve made recently to the theInformationHub. There are links within each update to where you can find more information about the update. There are also links next to many of the updates, which link to threads on our online forum where you can discuss these with other people with convictions.
About criminal records
- Implications of accepting a police caution – We’ve produced some new information setting out the implications that a caution will have in the future, particularly if you’re employed (or looking to work) in certain professions such as teaching or nursing.
- Disregards and pardons: Removing historical convictions and cautions for consensual sex from criminal records – We’ve updated this page to include new figures received from the Home Office.
Work and volunteering
- Becoming a driving instructor – We’ve updated this page to include some updated links.
Criminal record checks for employment
- Problems with manual Disclosure and Barring Service certificates and the update service – We’ve published an advice post explaining some of the problems with the update service if you’re only able to get a “manual certificate”. We’re keen to hear from anybody that has experienced difficulties in joining the update service with a manual certificate, especially if it’s stopped you applying for jobs with certain employers.
theRecord posts
theRecord posts
Below are links to recent posts to our online magazine, theRecord. These are often linked to from the practical information that we have, to help give some personal experiences.
Success – The long journey from crack to carer – Working in a care home – “I’m sitting at Gatwick Airport with my son waiting for our flight to Spain to be called. We’ve both been working really hard so we’re looking forward to the break. It’s strange to think that the crazy journey I’ve been on started at Gatwick and will end there as well …..”
Struggles and stigma – What’s the right chemical formula to getting a place at university? – “In 2015 I received a suspended sentence for the transportation of illegal immigrants across the EU border. I was in a really bad place at the time having fled the UK with my two children after being a victim of domestic violence at the hands of my ex-husband …..”
Success – Travel tips if you’re on the sex offenders register – “I’ve been subject to notification requirements for the past 5 years and during that time I’ve travelled extensively around the world, between 12-15 times a year. Although my experiences will be difficult to yours, I really hope that what I share will help you to understand a little more about the process you’re likely to go through …..”
Discussions on our online forum
Discussions on our online forum
Below are links to recent posts to our online forum. If you’d like to join in the discussion but are not currently a forum member, find out how you can join here.
Travelling abroad for employment while on licence – Rezl has been offered a voluntary position abroad but his probation officer has refused him permission to travel. Has anybody any experience of appealing a probation officers decision? What did you do?
Where can I seek permanent residency with a criminal record? – jcm-1590 is looking for some advice about moving abroad. Can anybody help?
Other news and developments
Other news and developments
Below are links to other news and developments that might be of interest to people with a criminal record. For more news, check out the news and media section of our main website.
Moving on: Applying to university
We’ve written another article for Inside Time magazine ‘Through the Gate’ section which focuses on applying to university. You can read the whole article here.
Learn more about this topic
Most popular articles from Unlock
- New data reveals disproportionate impact of criminal records on women
- Moving on: Criminal record checks for employment
- Pardons for historic gay convictions: a call for evidence
- Google settles out of court with individual who has spent conviction, in the UK’s first ‘right to be forgotten’ case involving criminal records
- Blog – Government publishes summary of responses to call for evidence on the employment of people with convictions
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