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Category: Forum

Official launch of updated forum to support people with convictions

Unlock, the country’s leading charity for people with convictions, today officially launches its updated forum which supports people to overcome the stigma of their criminal record.

theForum offers people with convictions the chance to:

  • Engage in a positive, peer-to-peer community
  • Provide and receive information, advice and support in overcoming the stigma of a criminal record
  • Share positive experiences and inspirational stories.

Read our full news post.

Calling all forum supporters

Over the summer work has been continuing on re-designing the Unlock forum.

When we sent out an update back in June explaining our plans and sharing a survey asking for your views, several of you who responded expressed an interest in helping us test a pilot version when it became available.

We hope that a pilot version will be ready early in the new year and we are keen to hear from anybody who would be interested in helping us test it.

If you feel this is something you are able to help us with, please email

We’ll be in touch soon directly with those who have already expressed an interest.


Written by Debbie Sadler, Advice Manager at Unlock

Survey about the new forum

Many thanks to everybody that responded to our forum survey.

The winner of the £25 Amazon voucher was randomly selected and has asked that the £25 goes to a charity of Unlock’s choosing.

The results have been extremely helpful with many responses being really positive about what is currently available. However, some members felt that the forum needed to be more user friendly, especially for people who are not so computer literate.

This feedback will be hugely helpful to us as we continue to develop an improved forum.

We hope to provide a further update on progress later this year.

We want to make sure that our website is as helpful as possible.

Letting us know if you easily found what you were looking for or not enables us to continue to improve our service for you and others.

Was it easy to find what you were looking for?

Thank you for your feedback.

12.5 million people have criminal records in the UK. We need your help to help them.

Help support us now