Advice Articles
Showing 3 out of 3 results-
Travelling while on a community order
There is no general exclusion from travelling abroad whilst serving a community order. However, travel abroad may, in practice, not be feasible due to the requirements of the community order, e.g. a curfew, regular unpaid work or supervision. If you require a variation to these requirements in order to travel abroad (for example, rearranging a […]
Travelling abroad while on licence
Aim of this information This page aims to set out the approach of Probation to travelling abroad and highlights some cases where individuals have successfully challenged their Probation Officer’s decision to refuse them permission to travel. It forms part of our section on travelling abroad. Why is this important? It is likely that you will […]
Police certificate
Name Police certificate Issued by The National Police Chiefs’ Council Criminal Records Office (often referred to as ACRO) Use For individuals that wish to emigrate to a number of countries, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, Cayman Islands, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States of America. They are also used to obtain a visa for immigration […]